
went to seaspray beach..
Little Baby' first beach trip~
alhamdulillah perjalanan dipermudahkan, nearly sesat... i tak arif baca map.. :(
Hubby baca balik the map, rupanye we took the wrong exit...
on the way.. Little Baby pooey.. do some nappy change in the car~ the smell i tell you... :D
sambung perjalanan.. nampak 2kangaroos... DEAD! :(
and satu lagi mangsa kemalangan, nampak macam koala... tak berani nk tengok!! O_O
teruskan lagi.. then kami sampai di seaspray beach!! mane beach nye..?! takde pun~~ :(
rupanya di sebalik sand dune~
the beach was amazing...! bersih, banyak seaweeds and corals yg terdampar.. bersih laut ni.. :)
the seashells berkulit tebal sedikit dari yg selalu nampak di Malaysia...
mmg rase syukur sgt dapat melihat bumi Allah Australia ini.. :D

masa on our way to seaspray, terpandang padang yg kuning~~
jadi, kami dengan berani(Allah sahajalah yg Maha Melindungi), masuk satu lorong ini... it was canola all the way!! :D
"enter at your own risk" kata sign kat pagar tu.. bismillah~
jenguk2 takde org... ade sorang jenguk dari dalam.. pastu Hubby keluar, a guy datang.. mintak permission nak snap some pictures.. he tak kisah... alhamdulillah~
he said, the canola was taller before this new badge was planted.. 3m maybe.. 400acres stretch of canola... rezeki dapat tengok semua ciptaan Allah ni.. :)
ps: yay! finally jumpa crochet hook! yeap, been looking for it since i got here!! and bought some yarns, some cool stuff i've found, and some stuff for Little Baby~
preparing to go home now... hope for a better view of life after this, iAllah~